Tagamanent – 1000m peak day hike from Barcelona by train


Tagamanent is a great choice for a 1000m+ peak that you can easily do in a single day trip accessible by train from Barcelona.

Tagamanent Peak, Montseny – 1056m

Tagamanent is a 1056m peak in the Montseny Massif mountain range. It’s a great option for a day’s hiking trip from Barcelona, as the peak can be easily reached from the Renfe stations of Figarò and Sant Martí de Centelles.

At the top of the peak you’ll find a beautiful medieval church – Santa Maria de Tagamanent – which was built around 1000AD, along with fantastic views of the Montseny Massif, the Cingles de Bertí and La Mola, and in the distance Barcelona and Montserrat.

Tagamanent from Figarò finishing in Sant Martí de Centelles

This is a reasonably challenging route that takes you from the Renfe station of the town of Figarò (369m) up Tagamanent peak (1056m), then back down to the station of Sant Marí de Centelles. The GPX data says 20km, but I think it’s actually “just” 17km.

The summit offers the perfect spot for a picnic – a beautiful grassy terraced slope with spectacular panoramic views of the Montseny Massif, the Cingles de Bertí and La Mola, and in the distance Barcelona and Montserrat.

AREA: Tagamanent, Vallès Oriental, Barcelona
START POINT: Figarò Renfe Station

Start point: Figarò Train Station

Our route starts and finishes from the Figarò Renfe Station, which is on the R3 line from Barcelona (Hospitalet to Puigcerdá).

You can catch the train from Sants, Catalunya, Arc de Triomf or Sagrera-Meridiana. The journey is approximately 1 hour and tickets cost €4.80 each way at the time of writing. Make sure to check the timetable, and note that there is a different schedule for Weekends and Bank Holidays.

Figarò is a large town with plenty of cafes, bars and restaurants for refuelling and bathroom breaks after the train journey.

Stage 1: Figarò Train Station to Sant Pere de Vallcàrquera

From the station, cross over the bridge to reach Figaró, then head left following the main road out of the town.

A few 100m out of the village you’ll see a footpath sign. For this route, we are NOT going to follow the sign for Tagamanent. Instead, we’re going to start via the “Ruta dels Arbres” (The route of the trees), following a nice stream up through the woods. Keep an eye out for the little signposts by the trees to learn their names in Catalan.

We then have a 2.5km or so on a tarmacked road until we reach the hermitage of St Peter of Vallcàrquera, a 12th-century Romanic church.

Stage 2: Sant Pere de Vallcàrquera to El Bellver

Following the short stretch of tarmac, the rest of the route follows forest trails and single track through Bellver Woods up to the ridge Serra de les Sapines.

Most of the way is a fairly steady ascent on wide easy forest roads, though there are some steep sections of single track with loose rock underfoot on the final ascent up to the ridge.

The route then winds its way along the crest of the ridge to the first peak of the day where you’ll find the Restaurant Bellver. The restaurant is in an 18th-century country house and is fully sustainable and off-grid. Open weekends and holidays, if you fancy having lunch there best to book in advance.

Stage 3: El Bellver to Tagamanent Peak

We have a welcome short and easy descent before the final ascent to the peak. Expect to find a lot of people here, as you will pass a car park situated just below the church from which most people make the short trip to the summit.

With a lush grassy terrace, this is the perfect spot for a picnic and a sunbathe. With the church behind you, the closest mountains ahead are the Cingles de Bertí, behind is La Mola, and in the distance, on a clear day, you’ll see the “needles” of Montserrat. Over to the left, you’ll see Tibidabo and the Telecom tower which mark Barcelona on the horizon.

Stage 4: Tagamanent Peak to Sant Martí de Centelles

The descent follows a mix of forest trails and single tracks all the way down to Sant Martí de Centelles. Don’t be put off by the Xs at the start of the trail. These just mean that the GR and PCR routes don’t go that way.

The rock underfoot is very different on this side, in place of loose rock it’s made up of hard-packed layers of slate. It’s neither steep nor technical, so you can really enjoy the views and scenery along the way!

You’ll find plenty of bars and restaurants for a cold beer and some bravas to reward your hard work. If you’re short on time there’s also a bar at the train station for drinks and snacks.

Flora and Fauna

Tagamanent is located inside the Montseny Natural Park, which was declared a Biosphere Reserve in 1978, forming part of the international network of protected areas which represent the main types of global ecosystems.

The forests surrounding Tagamanent are filled with oak, beech, chestnut and pine trees, plus many shrubs and bushes such as holly and juniper, and aromatics like rosemary and thyme. In the spring you’ll find wild asparagus and in the autumn chestnuts and wild mushrooms.

You’re unlikely to come across any large beasts unless you happen across an insomniac wild boar or fox, but there are plenty of smaller critters if you keep your eyes peeled. Montseny is particularly known for its reptiles and amphibians. You’ll definitely see frogs, though unfortunately mainly squashed on the road up to the hermitage!

If you’re extremely lucky, you might come across the “Montseny Brook Newt” (Tritò de Montseny), which was only discovered in 2005 and is native to the fast-flowing cold mountain streams of the area. We’ve not managed to find any newts, but we did come across this beautiful and surprisingly large snake though.

When to go?

This walk is good any time of year. You may find some snow and ice in winter, but nothing requiring anything more than a decent pair of warm, waterproof boots. Summer can bring hot weather, and don’t forget that at 1000m the UV is stronger than at sea level.

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